Two ways to contribute to FAN 2025
If you're engaged in this field and think others could benefit from your unique approach or the technology you're developing, why not seize the opportunity to share your knowledge and expertise by producing and presenting a paper?
The first step is to produce an abstract for your proposed contribution.Then you have two options:
- Paper: this is the classical conference paper, with an abstract, a draft paper with a review by a scientific committee member. It is presented during 20 minutes (including questions) in a thematic sessions. The proceedings will be associated with an ISBN.
- Presentation without paper (PWP): this is a simple oral presentation. A review is done on the presentation, mainly formal. This presentation is not included in the proceedings. In all cases, an abstract has to be submitted (see Key dates below).
Papers or PWP are welcome on any of the topics listed under the three technical tracks.
For both papers and PwP, abstracts between 300 to 400 words in English need to be submitted.
Accepted abstract: upload the draft PWP or final paper
Key dates to remember
- Draft PwP due: deadline extended to 31 January 2025
- Final paper or PWP due: 14 February 2025 ... and mandatory registration
- Conference: 9-11 April 2025
International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power
In addition, the Fan 2025 Organising Committee will do an agreement with the International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power (ISSN 2504-186X). This journal is an international peer reviewed open access journal, published online quarterly) - MDPI.
Based on recommendations by the Fan 2025 Scientific Advisory Committee, the journal will produce a special issue on fans (see FAN 2022 edition), comprising the most suitable papers from the conference. The cost of publication will be covered by the conference.
The special issue editor is Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Carolus
Instructions for paper authors
The authors of the accepted abstracts will then be invited to submit draft papers of between 6 and 9 pages (excluding references, bibliography and acknowledgments but including appendixes). The conference papers will be written and presented in English. All draft papers will be reviewed by members of the Scientific Advisory Committee.
Although all submitted papers will be considered by the Organising Committee, final acceptance will depend upon the Committee's decision based on the contents of the final manuscript and received . The presenting author of each paper will be entitled to a reduction in their registration fee. Speakers will not be reimbursed any travel or accommodation expenses. Authors are expected to attend the conference to present their work.
Instructions for PwP authors
The authors of the accepted abstracts will then be invited to submit draft PWP in English, according to a template (soon available) no later than 25 January 2025. Draft PwPs will be formally reviewed by the Track chairman. If modifications are required, the final PWP is due no later than 14 Februray 2025. The presenting author of each PWP will be entitled to a reduction in their registration fee. Speakers will not be reimbursed any travel or accommodation expenses. Authors are expected to attend the conference to present their work.
Presentation during the conference
Each author has 20 minutes to present his work, with 14 minutes for oral presentation, 4 minutes for questions and 2 minutes for changing speakers.
► Template for your paper (6-9 pages) - WORD
► Template LaTeX
► Template for presentation (papers or PWP, 13-15 slides)
Indexation of papers
All papers will be published as conference proceedings with an indexation (ISBN) assigned, on physical or numerical format. A softbound volume of all abstracts will be available to all conference delegates.